Frequently Asked questions
What is PortCheck?
PortCheck is wholly owned by the West Coast MTO Agreement (WCMTOA) ( WCMTOA created PortCheck to provide rate collections services for the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach’s Clean Truck Program’s Clean Truck Fund rate.
What is the difference between PortCheck and PierPASS?
Both companies are owned by WCMTOA and provide rate collection services. PortCheck provides rate collections services for the Ports’ Clean Truck Program whereas PierPASS collects the Traffic Mitigation Fee (TMF) for the OffPeak Program.
I’m currently registered as a PierPASS user. Do I need to register again?
Users who are already registered with PierPASS will be uploaded automatically to PortCheck, and will need to approve the PortCheck Terms and Conditions upon initial sign-in as part of its registration.
What is the relationship between the Drayage Truck Registry (DTR) and PortCheck?
The DTR, produced by the Ports and their contractors, collects truck information that is used to confirm truck authorization to access marine terminals.
What is the Clean Trucks Program?
The Clean Truck Program is part of the Clean Air Action Plans (CAAP) of the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles. The program’s goal is to transition to zero emission trucks by 2035.
What is the Clean Trucks Fund (CTF) Rate?
The CTF Rate is the charge the Ports’ tariff assesses on trucks entering or leaving the Ports’ container terminals. The funds are used to implement the Ports’ CAAP programs.
Which trucks are subject to the CTF Rate?
Please visit the Clean Air Action Plan site for updates on restrictions or exemptions to certain year and type of trucks at
How do I register for PortCheck?
Register at
When did the Clean Truck Program rate collection start?
April 1, 2022.
Who pays the Clean Truck Fund Rate?
The Beneficial Cargo Owner or their agent. Truck Drayage Operator Drivers and the marine terminal operators cannot pay the CTF Rate.
How do I pay?
Registered users at pay on-line via credit cards, e-checks, with a credit account, or by pre-paying.
What Do I Need To Register My Truck?
The truck must be registered in CARB, the Port Drayage Truck Registry, and eModal, and must have a functioning and registered RFID tag.
How much are the fees?
The fees are $10 per TEU and $20 for all other sizes.
Are there any exemptions?
Yes, see:
What about intermodal cargo?
On-dock intermodal containers are exempt. Off-dock intermodal is not.
Do the marine terminals charge the Clean Truck Fund Rate?
No. The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach charge the Clean Truck Fund Rate and require the terminals to place a HOLD on containers until its fee is paid.